Update: January 2023 (Chrome 110) - directprint.io unaffected by Chrome Apps deprecation on all platforms.
Chromebook users are entirely unaffected - Chrome Apps will continue to work through a minimum of 2025 at which point directprint.io will have an new extension available on the webstore.
The Chrome Application for Windows and Mac was displaying a warning triangle and a prompt stating that the application was no longer supported after December 2022.
- This warning has been permanently removed in Chrome 110 (January 2023)
- There is no deprecation timeline for the directprint.io Chrome App on Windows and Mac.
- You may continue to use the directprint.io Chrome App on Windows and Mac indefinitely.
App deprecation warning triangle removed in Chrome 110
Of course, if you do want to migrate your Windows and Mac users to the native applications then you can direct your end users to;
Download link for Windows
End-user client guide for Windows
Download link for Mac
End-user client guide for Mac
As a reminder, the native applications for Windows and Mac allow end-users to print using Chrome as well as support the ability to print from native applications such as Office 365 Apps - Word, Excel, etc.
If you have any questions regarding this update please do not hesitate to reach out to support@directprint.io
Previous advice (for historical purposes only)
Update: October 2022 - Chrome apps to be removed from Chrome on Windows and macOS
A number of customers have requested further information regarding the deprecation of Chrome Apps on ChromeOS, Windows, and Mac.
This topic has become more prominent due to a recent release of Chrome where some Chrome Apps are being highlighted as unsupported with a note to ‘Remove n unsupported app(s)’. See the screenshot below.
This update outlines directprint.io’s approach to Chrome App deprecation.
What are the timelines?
- Chrome Apps for Windows and Mac will be deprecated in January 2023.
- Chrome Apps for ChromeOS will continue until January 2025.
What does this mean for me and my end users?
End users using ChromeOS are unaffected, you can continue as normal with the directprint.io ChromeOS application in this environment until 2025 when directprint.io will have an extension.
End users using the Chrome App on Windows or macOS will require migration to the directprint.io Windows native app (exe / msi).
Chrome OS → No Change
Chrome App on Windows → Migrate users to the directprint.io Windows app (exe/msi)
Chrome App on Mac → Migrate users to the directprint.io Mac app (dmg)
Our recommendation for IT administrators
Short term
Action: Ensure that the directprint.io application for Chrome on Windows and Mac is forced installed through Google Admin.
Result: End users will be unable to remove the application themselves ensuring that printing through directprint.io on Chrome continues.
Before January 2023
Deploy the directprint.io Windows and Mac applications to your end users.
End users can continue to print using directprint.io through Chrome as well as native applications such as Word, Powerpoint, etc on Windows and macOS.
For further information
If our recommendations do not produce the desired outcomes for your end-users or you would like to discuss this document in more detail then please get in contact with us at support@directprint.io.
Update: October 2021 - Chrome apps live on
Chromium Project announces that Chrome apps will be supported until at least January 2025.
Read the latest Chromium Blog Entry here
Original deprecation notice: August 2020
As you may have read here Chrome Apps were due to be deprecated in June 2022.
This announcement caused concern among the Chrome & Chromebook user and the admin community.
For some vendors, there was no viable alternative to Chrome Apps and we were glad to welcome the announcement in October 2021.
The August 2020 blog post was superseded by the October 2021 announcement.
directprint.io Strategy: Apps vs Extensions
Don't worry, directprint.io has a migration strategy in place for all Chrome and ChromeOS customers using our Chrome App.
Firstly, Chrome Extensions will continue to be supported in Chrome and ChromeOS for the foreseeable future.
The directprint.io Client is already available as an Extension, it's currently hidden on the Chrome Web Store to avoid confusion between the App and Extension versions.
The current status of the Extension is that it supports all directprint.io functions except:
- No Socket printing (socket:// printer URIs)
- No LPD printing (lpd:// printer URIs)
- No discovery of printers in the printer Wizard for Admins
The current Extension API set is limited, we are working with Google to ensure that the Extension has functional equivalence with Apps in time for June 2022 and January 2025.
Current deployment options:
IPP only
If you are using exclusively IPP printing you are welcome to migrate to the Extension version of the directprint.io client for Chrome and ChromeOS.
The Extension will automatically update to include socket and LPD support when the API set evolves.
Please email support@directprint.io requesting access to the Extension, we will send you the full URL and the Extension ID of the Extension for use either as self-install or force install via Google Workspace.
Socket and LPD printers/ queues
For customers using Socket or LPD printing: We suggest that you hold off migrating to the Extension version until it is functionally equivalent to the App version.
Communication plan:
When the extension is functionally equivalent to the App version the directprint.io downloads page https://directprint.io/admin/knowledge/downloads will be updated to include a link to the new Extension.
We will also post a message to all customers and trialists informing them of the readiness to switch over.
The page was last updated in Feb 2022 and will continue to be updated through January 2025.