Creating at least one OU expects at least one sub-OU to exist in G Suite, even if it's an empty OU with no users or devices.
To resolve the import issue:
- Log into your G Suite (Workspace) admin console.
Navigate to 'Organizational Units'
- Temporarily create an empty sub-OU:
- Organizational Units -> Yellow '+' icon -> [choose a temporary name]
In the admin console
- Sync to your G Suite account (re-authorize)
- Go to the org units screen:
- Select the link to refresh data or click the following link to immediately refresh
After sync is complete, it's then possible to delete the empty OU from G Suite.
Solving error 400 authorization errors needs API authorization to sync OU, Group, user and device infomation from G Suite (Workspace)
Depending on your security settings it may be necessary to whitelist ' G Suite Integration' OAuth app.
The following steps detail this process.
1) Log into Google Workspace (G Suite)
2) Select 'Security'

3) Scroll down to 'API controls'
4) Select 'Manage third-party access'
5) Select the 'APPS' tab
6) Click 'Configure new app' -> OAuth App Name or Client ID

7) Search for ''
8) Select G Suite Integration

9) Select the Client ID '' - This is the Client ID that requests <> Workspace API authorisation.

10) Select 'Trusted' and hit Configure

Your list of trusted apps should now include ' G Suite Intrgration'
You should ensure this is marked as a 'Google Verified' application.

11) Re-attempt G Suite Synchronization from within