Navigating to the internal directory
Using the guided setup
User onboarding
What next?
The internal directory provides IT administrators with a simple, streamlined printer allocation process for end users without the need for Google Workspace or Microsoft Azure AD.
Create users and groups and then allocate printers. Onboard users with an email invite containing a download and sign-in link.
After installation of the app, just one click and your users will receive their printer allocation. Any changes made on the console will be updated to your users within 30 minutes.
Follow this quick tutorial to find out more.
Navigating to the internal directory
In the main left-hand navigation, navigate to Internal directory --> Status and setup.
Using the guided setup
If you are accessing the 'Status and setup' page for the first time or haven't performed any of the setup steps, you will be presented with a guided setup screen.
There are four steps required from the IT administrator and 1 step for the end user. We recommend stepping through the steps using yourself as an example end-user.
- Creating groups
Click the 'create groups' link. It will take you to the group management screen and automatically pop up a form for you to create your first group.
Let's create an example group called 'IT department'. Click the 'Create' button and your group be created and you'll be taken back to the guided setup. - Creating users
Now that we have a group called 'IT Department', let's create our first user and assign them to the 'IT Department' group.
Click the 'create user' link, it will take you to the user management screen and will automatically pop up a form for you to quickly create your first user.
Using myself as an example, I will create a user and allocate myself to the 'IT Department' group. Click the 'Create' button will create the user and take you back to the guided setup. - Allocating printers
Next, let's allocate some printers to the 'IT Department' group. Hopefully, at this stage, you already have some printers in your account.
Click the allocate printers link, the link will take you to the group management screen and will highlight the 'Edit printers' button, click it and it will take you to the printer allocation screen.
open large preview
I currently have 1 printer in my account named 'Internal directory', by clicking 'Add' next to the printer name, I can allocate it to the 'IT Department'.
Click 'Save changes' to ensure your allocation is persisted and then navigate back using the 'Back to group list' button. N.B. Don't use the browser back button. This will take you back to the guided setup.
open large preview - Inviting users
Now that we have a group called 'IT Department' with a printer named 'Internal Directory' and a user '' allocated to it, it's time to invite the user to use start printing with
Click the 'Invite users' link, it will take you to the 'User management' screen and will highlight to you the 'Invite user' button.
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Clicking the 'Invite user' button will pop up an example of an email that will be sent to the user.
Click the send button and after a few moments, the user will receive an email from containing an invite link. If the user cannot locate the email, please ask them to check their spam folder.
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User onboarding
When the user receives the invite email, they should click on the 'Click here to start' link. This will take them to an invite page with a unique code. Once this invite has been used once, it cannot be used again. You can however reissue invites through the 'user management' screen.
The invite screen will auto-detect the users operating system and prompt the user to download the app.
Once installed, the user should return to the invite screen and click the link - 'When installed, click this link to sign in'.
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Once the user has clicked the link and approved the prompt message, the application will be shown to the user, and their printer allocation will be displayed.
What next?
Once you've finished the guided setup and are happy with all the steps you have taken, you might be thinking what next? Continue adding as many groups and users as your require and then invite each user either one by one or all together. Continue reading for further tips and tricks.
Add more groups
To add more groups navigate to the 'Group management' screen. Use the 'Add groups' button to add groups one by one.
Add more users
To add more users navigate to the 'User management' screen. Use the 'Add users' button to add groups one by one or use the CSV upload to add multiple users.
For an example of the CSV format we expect, please download the example CSV file.
If you need to perform mass changes to your users, use the multi-select in the user management table. With users checked you can perform multi-deletion, multi-group allocation, and multi-user invites.
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Invite your whole organization
Once you have finished creating all groups added all of your users and ensured printers have been allocated, you can invite your whole organization.
Use the multi-select option in the user's table as shown in the screenshot above and then use the invite button.